Bone Broth Fast: The Ultimate Guide For Health And Longevity

Bone broth fast

Have you ever heard of the bone broth fast? It’s a trending diet that promises numerous health benefits. But is it really effective or just another fad? In this article, we will explore the intricacies of the bone broth fast and its potential impact on weight loss and overall health. Whether you’re a curious observer or considering trying it yourself, read on to discover everything you need to know about this popular fasting method.

What Is a Bone Broth Fast?

A bone broth fast is a type of fasting where individuals consume bone broth several times per day as a meal replacement. Bone broth is made by simmering animal parts, such as bones, marrow, skin, and feet, for an extended period of time, typically 24 to 48 hours. This slow simmering process helps release the nutrients from the bones and other parts, resulting in a highly nutritious liquid.

Bone broth is rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals, collagen, electrolytes, and antioxidants. These nutrients make it an ideal option for a fast, providing the body with essential nourishment while allowing the digestive tract to rest. During a bone broth fast, individuals may consume a cup of bone broth multiple times per day, reducing their calorie intake and avoiding solid foods.

In addition, bone broth provides an abundant supply of important minerals that support overall health. It can help prevent muscle wasting during periods of fasting, as well as detoxify the liver and digestive system.

Bone broth is typically made by simmering animal parts, vegetables, an acid, and fresh herbs for several days. This slow cooking process allows for the release of nutrients from all the ingredients. The most popular varieties include chicken bone broth and beef bone broth.

Benefits of bone broth fasting

Benefits of bone broth fasting

A bone broth fast involves consuming only bone broth for anywhere from 3 to 10 days. It has become an increasingly popular way to reap the benefits of fasting while avoiding some of the downsides of water fasting.

The rich nutrients in bone broth provide a variety of unique health benefits. Let’s take a deeper look at why a bone broth fast may be worthwhile.

Weight loss

One of the significant benefits of fasting is that it facilitates fat loss. During a fast, your body eventually depletes its glycogen energy stores. This causes insulin levels to decrease and initiates the metabolic state of ketosis.

When in ketosis, fat gets mobilized and broken down by the liver into ketones for energy. This means your body begins burning its fat stores instead of glucose.

A 2020 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism demonstrated that alternate-day fasting resulted in weight loss of 7-11 pounds over 8-12 weeks. This shows the powerful effect fasting can have on weight control.

Bone broth contains some calories, so your weight loss may be slightly less than water fasting. However, hot bone broth satisfies hunger, making it easier to sustain a lengthy fast to maximize fat burning.

Improves digestion

Bone broth is a potent elixir that can improve digestive functions. One of the main reasons for its effectiveness is its high collagen content. Collagen is a protein that acts as a protective barrier for the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, shielding it from harmful substances and reducing inflammation. By consuming bone broth regularly, you can help heal conditions like leaky gut syndrome and normalize the mucus membranes in your digestive system.

Gelatin, derived from collagen, is another key component of bone broth. Not only does gelatin have impressive anti-aging effects, but it also promotes a healthy balance of probiotics in your gut. It can also help those with food allergies and sensitivities digest and absorb nutrients more effectively.

Aside from arginine, glycine, glutamine, and proline, gelatin contains many amino acids. These amino acids play crucial roles in supporting digestive health. For instance, glycine is a precursor for glutathione production, a potent antioxidant that helps detoxify the liver and the entire digestive system.

You can improve your digestive health by incorporating bone broth into your diet. It provides the necessary collagen to protect and soothe your GI tract, heal leaky gut syndrome, and normalize mucus membranes.


Autophagy is an important cellular clean-up process in the body that removes damaged cells and proteins. This recycling process promotes cellular rejuvenation.

Research shows that fasting upregulates autophagy after as little as 24 hours. One paper published in Cell Metabolism found that mice on an alternate-day fasting plan showed increased autophagy activity after just one day.

By giving your digestion a rest, bone broth fasting allows this ramped-up autophagy response to continue working for clean-up and renewal. This cellular regeneration can help you look and feel younger.

Reduced inflammation

Chronic inflammation is believed to play a central role in the development of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune disorders.

Fasting has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory effects. One study found that an overnight fast decreased levels of proinflammatory markers like interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP).

The amino acids in bone broth, including glycine and proline, also have anti-inflammatory properties that can further assist with lowering systemic inflammation when fasting.

Insulin reduction

Lowering excessively high insulin levels is vital for reversing insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes. Blood sugar and insulin become dysregulated when you are in a constant fed state.

Fasting dramatically lowers insulin levels. One study of intermittent fasting showed that fasting insulin decreased by 31% and insulin resistance improved compared to no fasting.

Pairing fasting with bone broth provides amino acids and collagen that help stabilize blood sugar levels compared to just water. Maintaining low, steady insulin is ideal during a fast.


When your body isn’t focused on digesting, it can direct more energy towards other processes, like removing toxins.

Fasting has been shown to promote detoxification. For example, one study found that a three-day fast increased urinary excretion of heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, and lead.

The amino acid glycine plentiful in bone broth also boosts the production of glutathione – the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier. Sipping bone broth during your fast helps support the detox response.

Gut Rest

Your GI system gets overburdened, digesting three meals plus snacks every single day. This can result in leaky gut syndrome and intestinal inflammation.

Taking a break from solid food provides rest and repair time for your digestive tract. This allows inflammation to subside and the gut lining to regenerate.

Bone broth contains collagen and glutamine that nourish the mucosa and enhance gut barrier integrity. Bone broth’s electrolytes and fluids also prevent dehydration during a fast.

Mental Clarity

Within just a few days of fasting, many people report significant improvements in mental clarity and focus. Without all the work of digesting food, your brain can fully concentrate.

Fasting boosts cognitive functioning. Much of this seems tied to getting into ketosis, where the brain uses ketones for energy.

The amino acid glycine in bone broth also acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which may contribute to the sense of mental calmness people describe on a bone broth fast.

Boosts immunity

Boosts immunity

A bone broth fast can significantly boost immunity due to its rich nutritional content. Bone broth contains essential amino acids, including glycine, proline, and arginine, which support immune function. Amino acids promote white blood cell and antibody production, strengthening the immune system.

Additionally, bone broth fasts improve gut health by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria. It is important to understand the role the gut microbiome plays in modulating inflammation and immune function. Bone broth fasts can boost immunity by increasing the diversity and abundance of good bacteria in the gut.

Furthermore, intermittent fasting, when combined with bone broth consumption, can provide anti-inflammatory benefits, ultimately supporting the immune system. Intermittent fasting has been shown to activate autophagy, a process that helps remove damaged cells and debris, promoting cellular health. This, in turn, reduces inflammation and supports immune function.

Overall, incorporating bone broth fasts into your routine can be an effective way to boost immunity. Not only does bone broth provide essential amino acids for immune support, but it also increases beneficial gut bacteria and triggers anti-inflammatory processes. By promoting a healthy immune system, bone broth fasts can help protect against illnesses and improve overall well-being.

Improves your skin health

Bone broth is not only a comforting and nutritious food but can also work wonders for your skin health. Bone broth contains collagen, a protein that is essential for keeping the skin strong and supple. You can significantly improve your skin’s appearance by drinking bone broth regularly, reducing wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Collagen is known to increase the skin’s elasticity, making it look firm and youthful. Wrinkles and fine lines develop as our body’s collagen production decreases with age. Consuming bone broth, which is a natural source of collagen, can help replenish this vital protein and promote a more youthful appearance.

Furthermore, bone broth can also increase hydration levels in the skin, leading to a healthier and more radiant complexion—smoother and healthier-looking skin results from hydrated skin that is less prone to dryness and irritation.

In addition to collagen and hydration benefits, bone broth may also help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite occurs when the connective tissue under the skin weakens, causing fat deposits to push through and create a dimpled appearance. The collagen found in bone broth strengthens and supports the development of connective tissue, which can help minimize the appearance of cellulite.

Incorporating bone broth into your diet can be a simple and effective way to improve your skin health. By boosting collagen levels, increasing hydration, and supporting connective tissue development, bone broth can give your skin a natural glow and help combat the visible signs of aging. So, grab a warm cup of bone broth and nourish your skin from the inside out.

Reduce joint pain

A bone broth fast has been praised for potentially reducing joint pain. This fasting method involves consuming only bone broth for a period of time, eliminating solid foods. Bone broth is high in collagen, which promotes joint health and prevents muscle wasting.

Our joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles are made of collagen, which acts as a structural protein. As we age, our body’s natural collagen production decreases, leading to joint discomfort and a higher risk of developing conditions like arthritis. However, consuming collagen-rich bone broth during a fast can help replenish these diminishing levels.

Moreover, bone broth contains amino acids, which are important for muscle recovery and relaxation. Glycine, in particular, has been found to have a significant impact on muscle strength and preventing sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass.

Improves sleep, mood, and energy

A bone broth fast can have numerous benefits for improving sleep, mood, and energy levels. One of the key reasons behind this is the presence of amino acids in bone broth, particularly glycine. Glycine acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, helping to promote relaxation and better sleep quality. By incorporating bone broth into your fasting routine, you can experience improved rest, lower anxiety symptoms, and enhanced mental performance and memory.

Additionally, bone broth is a rich source of electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and sodium. These electrolytes play a crucial role in energy production and cognitive function, helping to combat fatigue and brain fog. By replenishing these essential minerals during a bone broth fast, you can support your body’s energy production processes and maintain optimal mental clarity throughout the day.

Furthermore, bone broth has been known to contribute to reduced headaches, muscle pains, and digestive discomfort. The amino acids and nutritional benefits of bone broth help to support the health of the digestive tract, reducing inflammation and promoting better digestion. This can indirectly lead to improvements in mood and energy levels, as digestive distress often impacts overall well-being.

As you can see, bone broth fasting offers a range of evidence-based health benefits by combining the power of fasting with nourishing bone broth. A three to ten-day bone broth fast can help you lose weight, stimulate cellular cleanup, reduce systemic inflammation, balance blood sugar, remove toxins, heal your gut, enhance cognition, and experience a range of other positive effects.

How to do it

To do a bone broth fast, consume 5-8 cups of bone broth, along with herbal tea and water, during a 24-hour fasting period. This gives your digestive system time to reset. If you weigh 150 pounds, drink about 6 cups of bone broth to meet your protein needs. You can drink more than 8 cups if desired.

Suppose you want to continue the fast beyond 24 hours, drink 4-6 cups of bone broth per day, and have one Paleo-friendly meal with protein and veggies. This can be done for up to 2 more days before returning to regular eating.

After completing a bone broth fast, it is recommended to continue drinking at least one cup of bone broth per day and incorporating it into recipes for ongoing digestive system support.

How long to do a bone broth fast for weight loss

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to the duration of a bone broth fast. Somewhere between three and ten days is generally recommended. You may need to experiment to find the length of time that achieves the desired results and feels sustainable.

Here are some duration considerations:

  • If it’s your first time, start with three days to see how your body responds.
  • Pay attention to energy levels and hunger. Increase the duration if you feel good while fasting.
  • Longer fasts beyond five days may provide enhanced detoxification and weight loss benefits but should be built up slowly.
  • Ten days on the high end provides a powerful health reset but also requires more medical supervision for safety.
  • Break your fast if you feel unwell, overwhelmed by hunger, fatigued, or dizzy. Starting with shorter fasts helps your body adjust.

How does a bone broth fast differ from a typical fast?

A bone broth fast has emerged as an alternative to water fasting and other types of fasting. But how exactly does it differ from a typical fast?

During a typical water fast, you consume nothing but water for an extended period of time, usually from 24 hours up to 2-3 days. Some people manage extended fasts of 7-14 days or longer.

With a bone broth fast, the only thing you consume is bone broth, typically for 3-10 days. The broth provides some key nutrients while still allowing you to reap many of the benefits of fasting.

Here are some of the key differences between a bone broth fast and a typical water fast:

  • Calorie intake – Water fasting results in zero caloric intake. A bone broth fast provides a small amount of calories, roughly 50-100 calories per cup. This enables the body to remain in a semi-fast state while getting some nourishment.
  • Hunger – People report greater feelings of hunger on a water fast compared to a bone broth fast. The protein and fat from the broth provide some satiety, making it easier to go without solid foods.
  • Energy levels – With no calories to sustain energy on a water fast, people often report severe fatigue setting in after 2-3 days. The mild calories from bone broth can help maintain energy levels better without fully interrupting ketosis and fat burning.
  • Muscle mass – Water fasting tends to result in more breakdown of muscle proteins for energy. The amino acids provided by bone broth give the body material to preserve more muscle mass.
  • Hydration – Getting only water makes hydration easier on a typical fast. The nutrients in bone broth require additional water intake for proper hydration.
  • Electrolyte imbalance – Lack of sodium and other minerals is more likely on an extended water fast. The electrolytes in bone broth help maintain mineral balance.
  • Gut rest – Both types of fasting give the gut a break from digestion. But bone broth also helps nourish and heal the gut lining thanks to collagen, glutamine, and other nutrients.
  • Toxin exposure – Because bone broth concentrates toxins from the bones, its consumption may increase the toxic load. This is avoided on a water fast.
  • Safety – Water fasting is generally safe for healthy people up to 3 days but may require medical supervision beyond that. The risks of fasting are lower with bone broth fasting.
  • Difficulty – Water fasting tends to be more challenging due to no calorie or nutrient intake. Bone broth makes fasting easier and less uncomfortable.
  • Duration – Bone broth fasting is often recommended for longer durations, like 7-10 days. Water fasting rarely exceeds 5 days without medical oversight.
  • Weight loss – Water fasting promotes quicker weight loss. But a bone broth fast of 7-10 days can still result in a significant drop in weight and body fat percentage.

Bone broth fasting provides some key differences, including mild calorie intake, more satiety, and additional nutrition, enabling you to follow a fast protocol for longer while preserving more muscle mass. For many people, bone broth fasting offers a better-tolerated fasting option.

Does bone broth work for weight loss?

Does bone broth work for weight loss?

Bone broth has become a staple beverage among the health-conscious. Some even do bone broth fasts lasting several days at a time. But does consuming bone broth actually help you lose weight?

There is some evidence that it can:

  • Low calorie – With only 50-100 calories per serving, bone broth is an ultra-low-calorie beverage. This calorie deficit helps facilitate fat burning.
  • Protein content – The protein in bone broth curbs appetite by keeping you feeling fuller longer compared to drinking only water. The protein may also help minimize muscle loss.
  • Collagen content – Some research indicates the collagen peptides in bone broth can increase satiety hormones like CCK to reduce hunger cravings.
  • Heals leaky gut – Bone broth contains glutamine, which helps heal intestinal permeability, an underlying factor in obesity.
  • Anti-inflammatory – Chronic inflammation is linked to weight gain. The amino acids in broth reduce inflammation, which may aid weight loss.

However, there are some caveats:

  • Minimal effect alone – Sipping bone broth alone without also following a healthy diet is unlikely to lead to significant weight loss for most people. It should be combined with an overall healthy nutrition plan and active lifestyle.
  • Requires calorie deficit – To lose weight, you still need to maintain a calorie deficit, meaning you burn more calories than you consume.
  • Water weight – The weight lost during a bone broth fast is partially water weight that will return once you resume normal eating.
  • Fat burning plateaus – After a few days of a bone broth fast, fat burning slows as the body aims to preserve energy. This is why intermittent fasting works better long-term.

Can you do a bone broth fast?

One of the main benefits of bone broth fasting is its ability to hydrate and replenish electrolytes. As simmering bones make bone broth in water for an extended period, it becomes rich in nutrients and minerals, making it an excellent source of hydration during fasting periods. It also contains amino acids such as glycine, which can help support your body’s detoxification processes.

Bone broth fasting has gained attention recently, with celebrities like Mark Wahlberg praising its benefits. Wahlberg shared that bone broth fasting helped him improve his health and lose weight. By replacing solid foods with bone broth, you can give your digestive tract a break, reduce inflammation, and promote joint health.

To start a bone broth fast, you can simply replace meals with a cup or two of bone broth. You can also consume bone broth multiple times per day and gradually increase the length of your fasting period. It’s important to listen to your body, start slow, and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.

A bone broth fast is an accessible and beneficial way to incorporate fasting into your routine. By hydrating and replenishing electrolytes, bone broth can support your health during periods of fasting.

Does bone broth break a fast?

During intermittent fasting, achieving ketosis is important for burning fat. Breaking the fast can interrupt this process, so technically, bone broth breaks your fast. However, low-calorie beverages like black coffee or tea are allowed during fasting.

Bone broth is high in protein and low in calories, so it can be consumed during extended fasting periods. Bone broth doesn’t contain carbs, so it won’t kick you out of ketosis, and your body will continue to burn fat.

Additionally, bone broth can help you feel fuller during fasting hours. It is believed that bone broth doesn’t negatively affect the benefits of intermittent fasting and may even enhance them if consumed in the eating window.

Breaking your bone broth fast

You’ve completed your bone broth fast and are ready to resume normal eating. How you break your fast is important for feeling your best in the days afterward. Here are some tips:

Go Slowly

Ease back into food gradually over 2-3 days. Don’t overwhelm your digestive system after it’s had a rest. Introduce solid foods slowly and in small amounts at first.

Follow a Low-Residue Diet

Stick to low-fiber, easily digestible foods at the start. Great options include bone broth, eggs, rice, bananas, avocado, white fish, yogurt and cooked fruits and veggies. Avoid high-fiber foods initially.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of fluids and electrolytes like Himalayan salt in water. Your hydration needs will increase as you eat more fiber-containing foods. Proper hydration will help move things along and prevent constipation.

Prevent Constipation

Constipation is very common after extended fasting. Be patient and avoid straining. Gentle laxative foods like apples, pear juice, coffee, magnesium supplements, spinach, or flaxseed may help get the bowels moving.

Listen to Your Body

Increase portions and food variety as your appetite and tolerance dictates. But if you feel bloated or unwell, go back to broth and easily digestible foods until symptoms resolve. Don’t ignore your body’s signals.

Avoid Overeating

It’s easy to get a bit over-enthusiastic when eating solid food after days of broth. But overeating can make you feel awful. Go slow, chew thoroughly, wait 10 minutes between helpings, and stop before you feel full.

Expect Some GI Discomfort

Don’t be surprised if you experience some gas, bloating, or loose stools initially. Your digestive system needs time to awaken and regain its rhythm. These symptoms should resolve within a few days.

Return to Exercise Slowly

Don’t jump back into intense training right away. Begin with light movement like walking or gentle yoga. Listen to your body and slowly rebuild back up to your normal regimen over the course of a week.

Be Patient Overall

It will take time until eating feels totally normal again. Allow your body grace as it adjusts back to solid food intake. With patience and prudence, you will feel amazing in no time!

Who should do it?

A bone broth fast is an effective way to support and heal the digestive system, making it beneficial for several groups of people. This fasting approach can particularly benefit those with digestive disorders such as leaky gut syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases.

For individuals with food allergies or sensitivities, a bone broth fast can provide relief by reducing inflammation and allowing the gut to heal.
Those with low immune function can also benefit from a bone broth fast, as it helps to boost the immune system by providing essential nutrients and amino acids.

Additionally, individuals with autoimmune disorders may find relief through this fast, as it helps to reduce inflammation and support the healing of the gut lining.

Another group of people who may benefit from a bone broth fast includes those experiencing joint pains. The collagen and other nutrients in bone broth can help promote joint health and reduce inflammation, leading to reduced pain and improved mobility.

Lastly, individuals looking to improve their energy levels and enhance the appearance of their skin can find value in a bone broth fast. The amino acids and other nutrients in bone broth support healthy skin and provide a natural energy source.

Who should avoid it?

While bone broth fasting may offer health benefits for many people, it isn’t recommended for everyone. Certain individuals should exercise caution or avoid it completely.

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women – Fasting is not advised as the calorie restriction may impact the milk supply or the health of the developing baby. Always consult your doctor first.
  • Children under 18 – Children and teenagers have high nutrient needs to support growth and development. Prolonged fasting could lead to nutritional deficiencies.
  • Elderly adults – The risk of malnutrition, dizziness from low blood pressure, and falls increases with fasting for senior adults. Bone broth can be enjoyed, but extended fasts are not advised.
  • Underweight individuals – People who are already underweight or malnourished should not further restrict calories by fasting. It could worsen the problem.
  • Those with gout – Fasting can increase uric acid levels, triggering painful gout flares in those prone to the condition.
  • People on medication – Certain medications like diabetes drugs and diuretics may require dosage adjustments during fasting. Consult your doctor first.
  • Those with certain conditions – People with type 1 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, gastrointestinal disorders, cancer, anemia, or a history of eating disorders may need medical supervision when fasting.
  • If you have never fasted before – Jumping into an extended bone broth fast may be too difficult if you aren’t already adapted to intermittent fasting. Build up slowly.

Listen to your body. Stop your fast if you experience any concerning symptoms and consult your healthcare provider if needed. While generally safe for most healthy adults, bone broth fasting is not for everyone.


After completing a bone broth fast, it is important to transition into a maintenance phase to continue reaping the benefits. One way to maintain the positive effects of the fast is to continue consuming bone broth daily. Aim to have at least one cup of bone broth per day to promote gut health and provide essential amino acids. Additionally, incorporating fermented foods or probiotic supplements can further support a healthy digestive tract.

The bone broth fast can also serve as an effective elimination diet. During the fast, you eliminate solid foods and focus solely on consuming bone broth. This allows your body to reset and heal while also helping you identify any trigger foods that may be causing digestive distress or inflammation.

To maintain overall gut health, it is important to incorporate a variety of healthy foods into your diet. This includes:

  • Plenty of vegetables,
  • Fruits,
  • Herbs,
  • Spices,
  • Quality proteins,
  • Nuts,
  • Seeds,
  • Green tea,
  • Herbal teas

These foods provide essential nutrients and promote a healthy microbiome, which is crucial for digestion and overall well-being.

Risks and side effects of bone broth fasting

While bone broth fasting can provide numerous health benefits, it is essential to be aware of potential risks and side effects.

Firstly, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as kidney disease or high blood pressure, should consult with a healthcare professional before starting a bone broth fast.

Additionally, prolonged periods of fasting may lead to nutritional deficiencies if the diet lacks adequate variety.

Some people may also experience digestive distress, such as bloating or diarrhea, as their bodies adjust to the increased intake of collagen and amino acids. It is important to source bone broth from reputable sellers and prepare it properly to reduce the risk of food poisoning.

Lastly, bone broth fasting may not be suitable for individuals with certain autoimmune conditions, as it may trigger an autoimmune flare. It is always advisable to seek medical advice before embarking on any significant dietary changes or fasting periods.

The bottom line

A bone broth fast can be transformative when done carefully, easing your body into and out of the fasted state. Use the guidelines in this article to maximize benefits while staying safe and comfortable. The simple act of consuming nourishing bone broth can unlock powerful healing potential through fasting.

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